
The secret of fish- smoking

A well kept secret of fish-smoking is the recipe to refine wild salmon. They are passed through from generation to generation.

The smoking process

Our smokehouse in Vancouver is a company with a old craft tradition. The McKinnon's smoke our wild salmon after an old tradition. Only some main features of the well-protected family secret can be shared by the smoke master of our wild salmon gourmet:

Especially chosen wild salmons are pickled in a very mild salt-cane sugar-brine , only using high-quality sea salt , there they rest for 24 hours. Afterwards the salmon is carefully washed with spring water.

Our Gravad Wild Salmon is enriched carefully with a traditional marinade out of sea-salt, cane-sugar, special plant based oils, selected dill as well as fine herbs-of course in BIO-quality!

Franz Ebner

After the smoking or marinating process the product is cooled down, sometimes (depending on the item) cut in slices, packaged and send on another journey to ou

Further information
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